It's a recurring story: A mother brings her child for follow-up. When discussing how things have gone, mom summons her phone and references a white board picture taken during her initial visit. It's a picture that outlines what her child has and what we're doing doing about it. Collaborative thinking on a white board is central to the patient encounter As most of my ... Continue Reading about White Board Documentation Beats the EHR
Big Shot Doctors – Patients Don’t Talk About Your Title
So many doctors are desperate to claim a title. Some want to be big shot doctors. I know a pediatrician who owns his own practice. Every 18 months or so a medical student follows him around for an afternoon. He bills himself a clinical assistant professor at the local medical school. This label is at the root of his professional identity. Everybody wants to be a ... Continue Reading about Big Shot Doctors – Patients Don’t Talk About Your Title
How I Structure a Patient Visit
If you visit my clinic, I follow a structured process during the the encounter. It’s fairly traditional but has some hidden twists that I think are worth thinking about. Here’s how I structure a patient visit: Introduction (provider directed). During the first few minutes I try to connect and find some type of common ground with the child and parents. Basic, ... Continue Reading about How I Structure a Patient Visit
The Two Biscotti Physician and Patient Experience
Yesterday I ate at one of my favorite Italian restaurants. I had eaten there many times before but the experience this time was different. After ordering I received a vacuous bread basket with precisely two pieces of bread. At the end of my meal I was offered two biscotti…and no more. Only the manager could offer an explanation: As a means of containing costs ... Continue Reading about The Two Biscotti Physician and Patient Experience