They say transparency’s king. The more you share the better you look. But I’ve got rules. Here are a few things you won’t find in my Twitter stream: Beer. I was recently speaking at a meeting out of town and caught up with some friends at the end of the day to visit and have a beer. I was in a different time zone and noted on Twitter the specific microbrew I was ... Continue Reading about 6 Things I Never Talk About on Twitter
Why Doctors Should Use LinkedIn
Last week I wrote about why doctors don’t use LinkedIn. While the post intended to break down why doctors weren’t inclined to use LinkedIn, I never meant to suggest that it can’t be helpful for practicing physicians. Enough people messaged me and commented (here and on Better Health) that I feel I should address the issues of doctors and LinkedIn with a broader ... Continue Reading about Why Doctors Should Use LinkedIn
Why Physicians Don’t Use LinkedIn
For the most comprehensive overview of what doctors can do with LinkedIn, check out the LinkedIn Physician Guide over on The Public Physician. It covers all the stuff in Why Physicians Don't Use LinkedIn and more. Where are the doctors on LinkedIn? If you spend any time there you’ll find that we’re few and far between. Sure there are the entrepreneurs, the physician ... Continue Reading about Why Physicians Don’t Use LinkedIn
Is There a Social Health Bubble?
I regularly talk to my patients/parents about social health. What parents do, what they think and how they socially experience their child’s problems has become an interest of mine. I can hear it now: “Of course patients won’t discuss their social health activities with you, you’re a doctor.” Perhaps, but I don’t think so. Actually, I’ve had some very interesting ... Continue Reading about Is There a Social Health Bubble?
Breakthrough and Telehealth’s Tipping Point
If you told me last year that web-base psychotherapy would gain traction I wouldn’t have believed you. That was before I met Mark Goldenson, CEO of Breakthrough, a silicon valley based web startup that matches patient and therapist through a secure online portal. Breakthrough clients can review a therapist’s qualifications and fees, view sample video, and initiate ... Continue Reading about Breakthrough and Telehealth’s Tipping Point
Learning the Power of the Blog
To start, this is how I came to see the power of the blog: In 2006 when writing Colic Solved I read somewhere that every author needed a blog. Blogs, I was told, were particularly important for authors who weren’t famous. I wasn’t famous. So I ran to the bookstore and bought Robert Scoble and Shel Israel’s Naked Conversations, the essential book for understanding ... Continue Reading about Learning the Power of the Blog