You need to read this post by Mack Collier. He takes apart a post written by Seth Godin and describes why those of us who blog should worry about SEO, titles, and the like. What’s implicit here is that the way to establish your voice is through the search and content strategies routinely sold as gospel.
I’m heavily invested in social media in health but I think little about SEO. I care less about how many people find me. I care more that the right people find me. Nobody pays me to write here and I don’t accept ads. I haven’t looked at my analytics in a week or two. I have no content strategy that I can recite. What I care about is the cultivation of thoughts and ideas that have no place to live. I want the stuff I write, think, and play with to be visible so it can grow. I want it to bring like-minded people my direction so we can make and do things. So far it’s served me well. It’s amazing who finds me.
Great ideas don’t originate and take hold because of key words, tags or choice of title. Of course there’s a place for this but it should be understood by those starting out that a focus on valuable thinking will carry you much farther.
There are many ways to be heard, and none of which are as important as starting with great stuff. And there are many reasons for having a blog.