My daughter was sick this weekend with a terrible stomach virus requiring Zofran (anti-vomiting medication). Under normal circumstances I would call in the prescription into save our pediatrician a Sunday morning wake-up call. Our state medical board, however, is coming down on doctors who prescribe medications without proper documentation (i.e., what every self-respecting pediatrician does when stuck with their own sick kids on Sunday morning).
So I made the call.
The nurse screening the calls was an acquaintance and seemed to think my call to the doctor about vomiting was some type of practical joke (I’m a pediatric gastroenterologist). Once beyond this I was connected to the on-call doctor who was able to offer some valuable insight on medication options in my daughter’s case. There were some things I hadn’t thought of. While the discussion is the same one I’ve had countless times with patients of my own, you lose your objectivity when it’s your own child.
At the risk of sounding trite, I’m glad I called.
Originally published on my old blog, Parenting Solved, in 2006