I had the chance recently to interview Chris Dancy, author of Don’t Unplug – How Technology Saved My Life and Can Save Yours Too
Known as the most connected man in the world, Dancy is a hard-core advocate for the intentional use of technology and its capacity to support our values. In a world that wants to demonize all things electric, his message is provocative.
Through the story of his own transformational journey Don’t Unplug shows how technology can change your life. There are choices we make with technology and those choices determine whether technology controls us or the other way around.
My impression of Chris Dancy before meeting him was that he was obtuse. It was confirmed when I met him in The Exam Room. But he’s odd in a compelling way. Dancy fires on all cylinders and connects things in the most interesting way. Dancy is funny, strange, provocative and smart.
While I wanted to see Chris Dancy as a terminal technoutopian, his perspectives are far more balanced than you might think at first glance. And despite how it may appear, his message of connection is one that ultimately pulls us closer to our humanity. Listen on Stitcher, iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Three key takeaways from Don’t Unplug
- You get fit by taking steps, not counting them.
- We don’t know how to measure what we care about so we care about what we measure.
- We need to stop valuing our schedule and start scheduling our values.
If you think a lot about technology and how it fits in with your life, you need to listen to this Exam Room ‘cast and read Don’t Unplug. It’s a quick easy read filled with mind bending observations about our relationship to electric stuff.
And check this out while you listen: If you know me you’ll hear that I’m a little different during this conversation. He oddly brought out a side of me that I only recognized on review of the recording. I’ll add that I’d like all of my Exam Room conversations going forward to be like this. Less interview, more disclosure, discussion, debate and fun.
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