I had coffee with a doctor colleague recently. He proudly announced that he’s buying the Apple Watch Series 3. “I have it figured out that I can effectively stop carrying my iPhone at this point. I can take my long bike rides on call and leave my phone at the house.” Smaller technology, he was suggesting, would set him free.
I had to break the news that our Spok messaging app only pushes notifications to the Apple Watch. It doesn’t deliver native Spok messages.
I’ve heard the fantasy of smaller technology before. My MacBook will replace my iMac. My iPad will replace my MacBook. My iPhone 7 Plus will replace my iPad. So it’s not surprising to think that the LTE-enabled watch could replace a phone.
But if you’ve played that game you know that there’s some stuff the smaller thing just doesn’t do well. Or the effort to make it work exceeds the benefit of its size. Sure I can create Apple Keynote presentations on my iPhone but the screen real estate of a bigger machine makes the experience so much easier.
For me so much of technology is about fantasy. And so it is for my friend.
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