If you’re interested in some of my thinking in the realm of medical education, follow me to Wing of Zock, a site concerned with edgy meded thinking. Recently I’ve been thinking about education and what we can do to prepare the next generation. I share some of that here on 33c but I bring most of my hardcore meded dialog to WoZ. I post once a month under my column, Socialized Medicine. It’s evolving as an interesting site and I’d encourage you to take a peek and comment.
WoZ is what I have come to call a surrogate site for physicians. If you’re an educator with opinions and ideas and you don’t want the responsibility of maintaining a blog, WoZ represents a great spot for your ideas to live. Another general medical surrogate site is KevinMD. Surrogates maintain the site, hosting and Google juice. You bring the thinking. Expect surrogate sites to become more prevalent as providers creep out from beneath their exam room tables and find their public voices.
Behind the curtain, WoZ and all of its wild, free-range thinking is fueled by the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC).
Follow them on Twitter and subscribe if you are inclined toward education.