This was a good year at 33 charts. In July I made the monumental transition from Typepad to WordPress which has allowed the flexibility to make this site an easier place to grow my ideas. With the transition I decided to push 33 charts a little more aggressively to see where it would go. It’s been a good thing. Regular content has forced regular thinking and a better-defined voice. And regular content has served as kindling for a small but growing community interested in the intersection of social media and medicine. Despite the belief that I had a lot of this figured out, 2010 was a huge learning year.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate your interest in what I have to say. I’m humbled by your insightful comments which often run far longer than my posts.
Here are a few of 33 charts greatest hits of 2010:
Engaging Physicians in the Social Space. A few things about doctors and social media that the consultants will never tell you (already becoming dated).
Preemptive Online Health Literacy. It’s part of what I do when speaking with patients.
DrV I Believe That Man is a Yankee. Or what it’s like to be a Yankee doctor in The South.
How Relevant is Vacation Unplugging. Ultimately, none of us will unplug. I remember writing this one on the beach at Hilton Head.
Doctors, Mosques and the Limits of Transparency. This one followed the Twitter bickering of two doctors over the lower Manhattan mosque.
How to Speak to Physicians About Social Media. Some friendly advice on how to handle a presentation to doctors about social media.
Doctors, Patients and the Disconnected Agenda. In any relationship a simple misunderstanding has the potential to undermine something good. Doctors and patients are no different.
Is Health 2.0 a Threat to the Medical Profession? The infosphere put newsmen out of business. Are doctors headed for the same fate?
Why Doctors Should Care About Social Media. This one speaks for itself.
Are Physicians Obligated to Participate in Social Media. This provocative question triggered created some dialog.
If there’s something you want to hear about in 2011 please let me know. Please don’t forget to Like 33 charts on Facebook. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter slated to begin in early 2011.