We all struggle with information overload. As consumers we struggle with tuning our feed. As writers and producers we struggle with delivering our message.
And there is no sign that things are lettin’ up.
Remarkably, however, it seems the future is about less.
Steve Rubel in April shuttered Micropersuasion in favor of a short-form Posterous lifestream. Leo Babauta after years of preaching Zen minimalism last week took an oath to keep his posts under 400 words. And the ultimate messenger Seth Godin recognized the value of a pithy message long before it was fashionable.
What do these guys know that many of us don’t? They know that focused human attention is a scarce commodity. They recognize that our burgeoning information economy will buoy those who deliver concise, effective messaging.
Humans don’t scale. The future belongs to those who can make their case in as little space as possible.