The Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media yesterday announced an Advisory Board made up of some of the most forward thinking members of the social health community.
Now the idea of doctors never crossed my mind until I noticed this in the Twitter stream from Dr. Ves Dimov.
It got me thinking: Does the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media really need physician advisors?
After all, physician involvement in all levels of social media is scarce. The medical profession has been dangerously slow to accept the ideals that the social health community promotes. Maybe physicians haven’t earned a seat at the table. Or better yet, perhaps past performance suggests that we have nothing constructive to add. Mayo’s exclusion of physicians in their initial stab at an advisory panel profoundly reflects the changing role of the traditional provider in the new social order.
But until physicians are replaced by the hive, even Mayo understands that we still represent some piece of a relationship that helps to maintain wellness and treat disease. And with respect to our conspicuous absence in the infosphere, the tide is slowly turning. Look for the evolving medical leadership of a more digital generation in the very near future.
Ultimately The Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media owes the medical community nothing. They’re on their way with a panel of advisors who have risen in their respective facilities without necessarily the love and well wishes of their medical staff. Despite their willingness to invite the collective wisdom of the crowd, Mayo can and should do what works for their private enterprise, not for what any one interest group feels they are entitled.
Earlier this month one of the patient community’s more vociferous advocates publicly cried foul when it was felt that The Mayo Clinic had not properly represented patients at their Transform Conference.
Don’t look to me to do the same.
Look for The Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media Advisory Board to expand to involve a more diverse representation of social health. But what an interesting statement it would make if physicians didn’t make the cut.
Addendum: I’ve been reminded by The Mayo Clinic that the Center for Social Media is under the medical direction of Victor Montori, a physician.