As strange as it may sound, there aren’t many blogs/magazines that specifically serve the interests of physicians. Sure there are medblogs that make us laugh, some that rant and others that offer valuable personal insight. But there are few sites that work to capture physicians with the intent of offering variety and balance.
Then there’s MedCrunch, a new site targeted toward the quietly growing population of digital doctors. I found myself drawn to MedCrunch and here’s why:
Design. Tastefully built around the WPshower theme, MedCrunch is easy on the eyes. Lots of whitespace with an inviting minimalist feel. The interface allows you to immediately understand what you’ll get here. This site makes the subtle shift from blog to online magazine.
Focus with variety. Medcrunch serves the interests of physicians and does it with a range that covers clinical medicine to happiness and technology. I like this. I want to be happier.
Content. In a digital world dangerously obsessed with design, content often gets a second look. Not here. These guys know how to work copy in a tight space. And it’s good stuff. You’re dealing with professionals here.
Perhaps the real reason I like MedCrunch relates to their core mission which asks: How can we hack medicine so as to maximize our personal happiness and the patient’s health? Love this. In fact, this sounds like something I’d come up with after my 3rd cup of coffee.
MedCrunch is the brainchild of physician entrepreneurs Lukas Zinnagl and Franz Wiesbauer. Lukas brings to the table experience writing for TechCrunch Europe. As seasoned vets of the health 2.0 arena they understand the next generation of physicians. Call this Austrian innovation.
The health infosphere traditionally hasn’t focused on what can be done for doctors. While that may be appropriate in many ways, it’s nice to stumble on a site built for me. While they’re still ramping up, I’ll be excited to see what Lukas and Franz have in store.
The market for this kind of publication is wide open and it will be interesting to see how this niche evolves.