Everyday I work with some of the world’s most remarkable pediatricians. Doctors who have not only pioneered the latest advances in genetics and infectious disease but who have the experience of caring for some of the sickest children imaginable.
What’s remarkable is the knowledge and experience living inside of these doctors – so little of what they know has been shared. What if we could read or listen to what they know? – their core information. Not buzzy, over-produced material built around mass appeal. Not short answers to questions. But real content that captures the depth of their core clinical knowledge and experience.
What would you need?
- Willing participants. You need smart, current doctors willing to take what they know and share it.
- A smart producer. Someone to identify the experts, delineate the boluses of knowledge, and pull the experience onto film, text or audio.
- Multiple platforms. (Video, text, audio). All of it should be accessible in different ways.
- Multiple formats. Straight, basic information. Stories. Experience. Personal narrative.
- A home. I might imagine a portal or or site for aggregation although this content would be freely available and shareable.
This could be doctor-to-doctor or doctor-to-public. Both would be valuable. This could be a private venture. Every hospital or medical school could do it as their own project. It could be a global project. The trap would be to avoid the drive to personally or institutionally self-promote at the expense of creating valuable core information.
If I were a hospital or medical school, the deliberate capture and repurposing of physician knowledge is something I’d explore. We’re in an attention economy and health gets attention.
This isn’t complicated, necessarily. In many ways it’s crazy simple. But it hasn’t been done in a meaningful way. Sharecare and HealthTap are steps in the right direction but I think we ultimately need more depth. Let me know what you think.