When I discuss social media with physicians they often giggle and look confused. It’s as if none of it makes sense.
And probably for good reason. Doctors have changed. A generation ago doctors were dependent upon relationships for success. Pediatricians, for example, were dependent upon obstetricians for new babies. Medical societies allowed pediatricians to meet obstetricians. If you didn’t get babies you went hungry.
But medicine is becoming institutionalized. These days pediatricians schlep for the man. Fixed hours for increasingly fixed pay has made peer-to-peer relationships less important. Societies have become havens for aging doctors looking to keep their hands in things.
So if in-person socialization isn’t important to doctors why would digital socialization ever stand a chance?
We connect for a reason. Those with no reason to connect keep to themselves. Most doctors keep to themselves. No need to connect. Like Wal-Mart employees – a digital network serves no professional purpose.
Until doctors have a real reason to build networks, expect a low showing.