I just finished Creative Confidence - Unleashing the Creative Potential Within All of Us. Written by Dave and Tom Kelley, founders of IDEO, it represents a critical bit of thinking on creativity. Here's what you get: The authors demystify the creative process, represent it as a critical skill for working professionals, and then offer granular steps to achieving ... Continue Reading about Creative Confidence – How to Unleash Creative Potential
Walk, Talk, Write
Every morning I take my dog Molly for a walk. The birds sing, Molly poops, and I think (Not necessarily in that order). And for many years I wrote things down when I arrived home after my walks. Very recently I decided to flirt with voice recognition to capture ideas. The results have been remarkable. The technology has become so good that I can talk freely into ... Continue Reading about Walk, Talk, Write
Do You Initiate or Respond?
Several years ago Seth Godin wrote about our modes of daily operation which center around response and initiation. It’s interesting to look at medicine from this perspective. In medicine we are all about about response. At our core, we respond to disease. On a more granular level we respond to pages, abnormal lab results, and new symptoms in our patients. We do ... Continue Reading about Do You Initiate or Respond?
Uncertainty by Jonathan Fields
I’ve been feeling a little uncertain recently. I’ve got some new projects on the horizon that represent some very different directions for me. So I read Uncertainty by Jonathan Fields. It’s as if the book was written just for me. Uncertainty is written to give you an understanding of your own creative process. It offers daily practices and changes that will ... Continue Reading about Uncertainty by Jonathan Fields
Writing with a Labradoodle
I’m a firm believer that creativity is a habit. My habit is that I write for 2 hours or so in the morning before the family wakes up. During the daylight hours I see children with digestive conditions. Then I write for an hour or so after the kids have gone to bed. I read, research and Tweet to fill in the cracks. Of course that was before Molly. She’s our ... Continue Reading about Writing with a Labradoodle