Industry is keen on identifying experts with unique insight and capacity to influence. They write the map for the rest of us to follow. They’re called thought leaders. Alternatively there are thought followers. These are the folks who repeat, regurgitate, reshape and mimic thought leaders. Their association by sharing on the stage of Twitter can make them seem ... Continue Reading about Thought Leaders and Thought Followers
Robert Califf and the Rise of Medicine’s Peanut Gallery
This Journal of the American College of Cardiology Case Reports editorial, A Perspective on the K-Index, by Dr. Robert Califf has drawn a lot of dialog. Through a critical discussion of the K-Index he questions the value of social commentary on research by non-research physicians. Central to Califf’s thinking is the idea that those not in traditional medical ... Continue Reading about Robert Califf and the Rise of Medicine’s Peanut Gallery
Potty Mouth Doctors and the Emerging Value of Outrage
It’s interesting how the use of social media by physicians has changed as it relates to risk and professionalism. In the earliest days doctors either didn’t use social media or they mitigated risk through anonymous profiles. Even now, the core goal for many physicians dipping their toes in the public conversation is to first avoid getting in trouble. The rise of ... Continue Reading about Potty Mouth Doctors and the Emerging Value of Outrage
Physician Authority and Influence Online
When I look on Twitter here's how I see physician authority and influence: Authority - These are the true leaders in medicine with deep knowledge, experience and credibility in their domain. These are the leaders among physicians. The power hitters. And not necessarily academics. Influence - Those with lots of followers or influence as determined by social ... Continue Reading about Physician Authority and Influence Online
Patient Influencers: How Do We Protect Patients from Patients?
This article in Stat, As social media ‘influencers,’ patients are getting a voice. And pharma is ready to pay up, raises questions about pharmaceutical supported patient influencers. An entire industry has cropped up to link drug makers with the industry’s own version of an influencer — people, usually patients, who have small but devoted followings and who might be ... Continue Reading about Patient Influencers: How Do We Protect Patients from Patients?
How Physicians Should Handle Conflict of Interest on Twitter
Very carefully. Using constrained media (apps where you don’t have enough room to really spell things out, like Twitter or Instagram) to pitch the products of companies that support us as physicians is tricky territory. How we handle conflict of interest with digital media needs discussion. Proper disclosure of conflict of interest is hard to achieve Solutions for ... Continue Reading about How Physicians Should Handle Conflict of Interest on Twitter