Medical cyberpresence can be stranger than fiction. Case in point is the saga of Dr. Eugene Gu. For those who don't remember, Gu as a surgical resident positioned himself as a victim of white supremacy at his training program's institution. Last year his public world exploded as a weird medical pseudoreality involving, among other things, anonymous Twitter accounts ... Continue Reading about Eugene Gu and MedTwitter’s Strangest Hour
Physician Anti-Semitism – Where’s the Physician Outrage?
Earlier this month a Cleveland clinic medical resident was fired for a long trail of social media posts laced with anti-Semitism. While the story caught the attention of the national media, I found the response by the online physician community to be anemic relative to other incidents. Surprising, really. Because it seems physician activists of all backgrounds and ... Continue Reading about Physician Anti-Semitism – Where’s the Physician Outrage?
The Value of Physician Social Media Disasters
When social media was making its meteoric rise a decade ago, physician social media disasters were exhibit A for why you need to remain silent and stay offline. As a result, early social media training in hospitals was made up of endless strings of doctor-as-jackass screenshots intended to scare residents straight. But the idea of Twitter as a place where good ... Continue Reading about The Value of Physician Social Media Disasters
The Fate of Fired Cleveland Clinic Resident Lara Kollab
Cleveland Clinic resident Lara Kollab was terminated last week after a trail of anti-semitic social media posts were identified under her name. In a statement issued yesterday with her lawyer, she issued a formal apology. MedTwitter has reflected a variety sentiments about the case, some of which are sympathetic and suggest that she deserves a second chance. But ... Continue Reading about The Fate of Fired Cleveland Clinic Resident Lara Kollab
Should We Screen Doctors for Social Judgment?
It’s a recurring story that played itself out again recently. A medical student takes pictures of a patient and posts them on Facebook. This time the alleged victim is an inebriated supermodel and the student, one who defied direct orders to cease and desist. The result is a $1.5m lawsuit, an embarrassed institution, a ruined career, and most importantly, a patient ... Continue Reading about Should We Screen Doctors for Social Judgment?
What Should Medical Students Know About Social Media?
As you may or may not know, I am responsible for fashioning a new curriculum in digital literacy and professionalism for medical students at Baylor College of Medicine. I’ll offer more details over the coming weeks. Until then, I need your help. Concerning digital communication tools and the growing public space for dialog, what the things that you believe a ... Continue Reading about What Should Medical Students Know About Social Media?