[I’m creating some physician teaching material and I could use some input on doctor-patient connections on social sites. What am I missing? What have I overstated] Should you friend your patients on Facebook, or other social sites? Or if you’re a medical student on your pediatrics rotation and a young mother friends you, how should you respond? Here are few ... Continue Reading about Should Doctors Friend Patients on Facebook?
Online Doctors
I frequently hear the term online doctor. When I hear it I have to wonder if there are offline doctors in contrast? Increasingly our networks are moving digital. Most docs use FB. Twitter use is in line with the general population. And it's hard to believe that there's any doctor who doesn't consume information from the web. I suspect that at some level we're ... Continue Reading about Online Doctors
Can Google Plus Focus Our Signal?
I think perhaps our biggest challenge going forward is attention crash. Too much input. Too much noise. We’re trying to listen to too much. The problem is that as information explodes, we don’t scale. Keeping our eye on everything simply isn’t sustainable. Twitter gave many of us our first taste of real-time input. We were told that ‘listening to everyone’ ... Continue Reading about Can Google Plus Focus Our Signal?
Book Notes: The Filter Bubble
I recently read The Filter Bubble - What the Internet is hiding from you by Eli Pariser. As you’re probably aware, Google looks at your search history and takes it into consideration in subsequent queries. While over time our search becomes refined and personalized, Pariser argues that this happens at the expense of making our world view increasingly myopic. If ... Continue Reading about Book Notes: The Filter Bubble
The 21st Century Physician Spokesperson
I spoke with a physician friend recently about an offer to serve as a spokesperson for a small nutrition company. After getting off the phone I thought about the future of the physician spokesperson. I can't help but think that the way it's been done for a couple of generations is now out of synch with the way the world shares information. Company hires PR firm. ... Continue Reading about The 21st Century Physician Spokesperson
Facebook and the Rhode Island Doctor
As we work to get our fellow physicians to emerge from the shadows, the last thing we need is a social health horror story. This week a Rhode Island physician was formally reprimanded for breaching patient confidentiality on Facebook. You can get catch up with the core story of Facebook and the Rhode Island Doctor on MSNBC or read KevinMD’s nice analysis. Look ... Continue Reading about Facebook and the Rhode Island Doctor