I've long believed that LinkedIn is powerful core platform for physicians building a public presence. It offers a strong, searchable public facing profile, a blogging platform and the ability to post presentations. Mashable reports this morning that LinkedIn will roll out video capability over the coming months. "Some stories are better shown than told. Video ... Continue Reading about LinkedIn Introduces Video Creation
LinkedIn as a Publishing Platform for Physicians
Today LinkedIn expanded its publishing platform to allow users to create and share long form posts. Before today, content creation had been a LinkedIn feature limited to a small number of LinkedIn influencers. The launch of this feature will be limited to 25,000 users and rollout worldwide will take place over the coming two months. Posts will appear as part of ... Continue Reading about LinkedIn as a Publishing Platform for Physicians
Why LinkedIn Might Be Good For Teens
LinkedIn dropped its minimum age for enrollment to 14 in the US. This change comes with their launch of their University pages, a new LinkedIn environment for higher education. While I initially saw this as a move to capture warm, unassuming young bodies (which it does), there may be some clear value to having high school students wading in the LinkedIn ... Continue Reading about Why LinkedIn Might Be Good For Teens
Vizify: Infographic meets Biography
Check out Vizify, an application that pulls data from your social networks and generates an always up-to-date interactive personal profile. It's infographic meets biography. You can find mine here and I think you'll probably agree that it beats a dry 500 word bio narrative. And the career timeline trumps LinkedIn's resume style work history. I found the Twitter ... Continue Reading about Vizify: Infographic meets Biography
LinkedIn Endorsements and a Physician’s Cloud
I’ve been thinking about LinkedIn’s new recommendation feature. Those of you who use LinkedIn probably understand that you can ‘endorse’ the activities of those in your network. It’s a social vote in favor of a certain skills. Initially I wasn’t sure about it but as time passes I wonder if it may get us closer to a way to socially review doctors. This post on ... Continue Reading about LinkedIn Endorsements and a Physician’s Cloud
Does Fear Keep Doctors from Social Media?
We sometimes forget that public transparency can be scary. I’ve found this particularly true for doctors. And they tell me so. This tweet from MD Anderson’s Dr. Garcia-Manero hints that the daily digital repartee that I take for granted isn’t so easy for the newbie. This 33 charts comment came in today from a rheumatologist, Dr. Irwin Lim of BJC Health. It ... Continue Reading about Does Fear Keep Doctors from Social Media?