It used to be that the paper chart was found on the exam room door. Before I entered I’d flip to my last visit, review my impression, check the plan and then enter. Then records went electronic. Now there’s nothing on the door. This has lead to an interesting evolution in my process. Now after a moment of reflection, I just walk in. But that’s not a ... Continue Reading about The Exam Room Entrance
The Exam Room Door
Of the things I face each day perhaps the most remarkable is the exam room door. It’s the gateway to what I do. As a conduit to the patient, it punctuates the beginning and end of the patient encounter. The ultimate moment of clinical focus There’s a process that happens during the moments before I enter. There’s something of a ritual or process that plays out in my ... Continue Reading about The Exam Room Door
Physicians as Mediators
Physicians were once the sole mediators of what patients understood about their health. When we wanted to know something, we went to the doctor. And what we understood was limited to what the doctor knew. There was nothing between us and an answer. Not so much anymore. As doctors we've evolved as mediators of the things that help us with answers. Instead of ... Continue Reading about Physicians as Mediators
Bedside Manner
Doctors are obsessed with bedside manner. This made sense when the exchange between a patient and doctor occurred at the bedside. The bedside was the context of care. When you were sick, you were confined to bed. You saw the doctor when you were sick. In bed, typically. When a doctor was empathetic, we said he had good bedside manner. This was how we ranked ... Continue Reading about Bedside Manner
Reactive and Creative Spaces
When I look at my day there are 2 spaces that occupy my time. The first is my creative space. This is where I shape things that didn't exist before. Ideas, programs, writing, new presentations and initiatives. Next is my reactive space. This is the operational part of my day. Most of this time is centered on problems or emerging issues. Something arises and I ... Continue Reading about Reactive and Creative Spaces
The Public Progression of Physicians
When it comes to doctors and social media, the past few years have been occupied with how doctors can make the transition to public life. Our dialog has traditionally focused on digital immigrants - established physicians adjusting to life with new tools and a public voice. The discussion begins with the argument for why a physician should be there. But another ... Continue Reading about The Public Progression of Physicians