Post-It Note pearls have become popular among doctors. These are little nuggets of medical wisdom packaged on Post-It Notes and left on hospital wards and clinic workroom spaces. Elements of complex anatomy or critical, pithy differentials are boiled down to simple diagrams and infographics offering just what we need to know. Found in places and spaces where you might ... Continue Reading about The Post-It Pearl as a Sign of the Times
White Board Documentation Beats the EHR
It's a recurring story: A mother brings her child for follow-up. When discussing how things have gone, mom summons her phone and references a white board picture taken during her initial visit. It's a picture that outlines what her child has and what we're doing doing about it. Collaborative thinking on a white board is central to the patient encounter As most of my ... Continue Reading about White Board Documentation Beats the EHR
A Piece of Paper as a Personal Health Record
I live in a world looking for digital solutions to some of health’s biggest problems. I love watching this all play out. So yesterday Seth Godin tells the world that a piece of paper could save your life. He’s advocating that everyone write down their history and carry it around with them. Yes, your personal health record on a piece of 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper. ... Continue Reading about A Piece of Paper as a Personal Health Record
Clinical Sketchnotes
I just read The Sketchnote Handbook - The Illustrated Guide to Visual Note Taking, a new book released by Mike Rohde. It details a method of note taking that I've been witnessing at major meetings over the last couple of years. For the uninformed, sketchnotes are rich visual notes created from a mix of handwriting, drawings, hand-drawn typography, shapes and visual ... Continue Reading about Clinical Sketchnotes