2020 Update: The Public Physician has been updated and converted from an e-book to an online resource. Check out our landing page here. I hope you enjoy it.
Great news: The Public Physician is now available for free in a new, updated version. Released as a PDF in the fall of 2014, it’s been exciting to see TPP evolve as a valued resource for medical professionals. And based on reader input, it’s been reorganized, reformatted and made easier to use. If you own an iPad, go over to iBooks and grab a copy.
What is The Public Physician?
The Public Physician is a practical, hands-on guide to help doctors survive and thrive in a new age of connectivity and transparency. Built from the content and community of 33 charts, The Public Physician builds a case for the physician voice then empowers medical professionals to jump in to converse, curate and create.
Why iBooks?
While I understand that this is a limiting factor in distribution, the decision was based on ease of publication and revision. I’m experimenting with the multimedia/multitouch capabilities of the platform that I hope to leverage further in the future with videos, etc. I’d like to maintain The Public Physician as a living, breathing product that’s never quite finished. Look for frequent updates.
Will The Public Physician be available in other formats?
I’m hoping to make a PDF available soon for those without iPads. Stay tuned.
Why is it free?
I’m passionate about the mission and messaging of this book. It’s this mission that has driven 33 charts over the past few years. I also want as many people as possible to learn from what I’ve seen. I need more feedback. Availability drives visibility and conversation.
Will The Public Physician be free forever?
I hope so. I was fortunate to have been able to cover my up front costs on Tinypass over the past 6 months. We’ll see how the project evolves.
Is The Public Physician just for doctors?
Absolutely not. If you are in health care and you want to understand what providers can and should do in the public space, it’s a great resource. All of the advice here applies to advanced practitioners, dentists, etc. Medical communication professionals, for example, can use TPP as a resource in understanding how to work with their medical staff.
How can you help?
- Download a copy. Downloads drive attention and spread the message. And did I mention that it’s free?
- Tell someone else. Tell everyone who might benefit from the advice in TPP. Please share this with doctors you know who need to be more public facing. They would really benefit from this as a resource.
- Tell me what you think. I need input from readers about what you would change, delete or add to make this really useful. While I can’t apply every suggestion, the book is only as good as the needs of my readers. I’m already working on the next revision for the fall.
- Rate The Public Physician on iBooks. Tell others what you think and what works, good or bad.
Thank you to everyone who has supported The Public Physician and reads this blog. I’m only here because of you.