Look at everyone who jumped on to telemedicine during COVID19. Almost across the board healthcare systems are using video technology to sustain an old business model. It’s the short game of telemedicine.
I understand it because I live in it. Operations must continue. The lights need to stay on.
The problem is that some healthcare leaders see telemedicine as a new way to deliver the same care to the same folks who drive to the office. The old visit in a new medium. A bandaid to get us through the social distancing mandate. A bridge to the way things always were.
But the real opportunity comes in offering access to a wide population – seizing on the chance to shape a national or global brand. Using new technology to create a new channel of distribution or business model. Scaling healthcare in a way that was once unimaginable.
The real opportunity may come in how we see this technology changing who we are. Morphing how and where we advance our mission.
New markets. New models. New mindset.
Or we can play the short game of telemedicine and bridge back to the way things used to be.
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