I’ve been feeling a little uncertain recently. I’ve got some new projects on the horizon that represent some very different directions for me. So I read Uncertainty by Jonathan Fields. It’s as if the book was written just for me.
Uncertainty is written to give you an understanding of your own creative process. It offers daily practices and changes that will allow you to ‘reframe uncertainty, risk, and exposure as allies for creating and innovating on a level you never thought possible.’ Uncertainty challenges you to go to the next level without the restrictive feel of a ‘how to.’
Whether or not it was the author’s intention, I felt that this book is as much about balance as it is about creativity. Fields frames a model for successful creation in the context of personal balance. As we all know, any meaningful endeavor runs the risk of destroying other parts of your life. But hour-to-hour and day-to-day balance is fuel for even greater ideas. I’ve always understood this but never had the concept validated. This made the book real for me.
Jonathan Fields is an interesting guy with a remarkable story. Better than anyone he’s well suited to help us understand how to handle the fear that comes with transition.
I read books that create the opportunity for me to see or do things a bit better and Uncertainty does this. And the timing was right for me. I’ll list this as one of my more important personal growth reads of 2011.
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