If you have a moment check out this Healthcare Triage video series from Dr. Aaron Carroll. His thinking, synthesis, translation, and delivery of ideas is something to see. The Healthcare Triage series and his approach to common issues represents a great example of the public role physicians should play in the information age.
Of course, it’s easier said than done. As a gifted thinker and communicator Dr. Carroll is a hard act to follow. When we ask physicians to become participants in the public dialog, creation at this level is the biggest ask. Doctors aren’t trained to create.
The mistake we make when launching our public presence is look at others and believe we must do this very thing and just as well. But each of us is bestowed with unique capacity and insight that, if harnessed, can be as well-executed and effective as these videos. But we must find our media, voice, and personal way of delivering value.
Study Aaron Carroll’s videos for their informational value. Then appreciate them as an example of how we need to find our space and angle to be effective public physicians.
Dr. Carroll’s blog is The Incidental Economist.