It looks like it’s the doctors versus the patients. Our healthcare system in on the verge of a government takeover – a move which would severely limit the health choices of the vast majority of Americans.
Consequently, Dr. Val Jones of Better Health initiates a panel at the National Press Club with some of the brightest, most influential minds in the health blogosphere to help create an organized voice of reason. But the word on Twitter is, ‘No patients on the panel. What’s wrong with this picture?’
But a closer look at the panel shows that all members involved are actually patients themselves. In fact, there are those on the panel who have suffered with some pretty debilitating issues in their past. But their struggles and their personal histories are no business of ours. As advocates they are driven by a larger concern. Most importantly the panelists as I know them are uniquely qualified to represent anyone interested in an individuals ability to have a choice in their own health care.
As we all work to help create a better system for patients and practitioners, division and finger pointing only empower those desperate for a healthcare system run by big government. Hat tip to Dr Val Jones and Better Health for leveraging her influence to give patients like us a voice