I’ll be highlighting some of my tags here periodically. You’ll find tags at the bottom of the post in a small, muted font. I use the Doctoring 101 tag on 33 charts for posts that deal with the nuts and bolts of caring for patients. These posts cover the tips and tricks that work for me as a full-time clinician. It’s how I do the things I do as a doctor. This is the closest to my showing my execution of the art of medicine.
These have been some of the most successful posts on the site. I think it’s because doctors like to see how other doctors handle things. And non-providers like to see how doctors think and work. When it comes to training physicians these tips and techniques don’t get enough attention.
My hope is that you’ll find some that are useful for teaching and training. They may offer some insight into my world. Check them out and use them.
This archive is growing so check back periodically.
I will be working to revise my tagging structure so that they work for you, the reader. I was sloppy with my tagging in the past so I’m trying to clean up nearly 900 posts. I hope to have things tidied up by mid-2018.
Modified photo by Piron Guillaume