The angry email is a timeless problem among young leaders and managers. Something gets us upset and we impulsively take to the keyboard to try to fix it. What comes out is typically edgy and direct. Usually there’s frustration buried between the lines. I've had the chance to work with several young physician leaders over the past couple of years. I've been able to ... Continue Reading about The Angry Email
Drucker on How to Manage Change
Peter Drucker, the father of modern day management, inspired a generation of leaders with his quote, "One cannot manage change. One can only be ahead of it." This needs to be reconsidered. Because there's the fantasy of staying ahead of change and then there's the modern reality. Early in this century technological progress exceeded the system’s ability to keep up. ... Continue Reading about Drucker on How to Manage Change
What is a Doctor’s Role?
This sounds like a crazy question. But it really isn’t. What does a doctor do? What's my job with my patients. What is a doctor's role? Some of what I do is transactional. Simple stuff with clear end-points. Some of it involves critical conversations and deeper kinds of thinking, planning, and translating. Breaking my job down into different roles I got to ... Continue Reading about What is a Doctor’s Role?
Great Barrington Declaration and What It Says About Us
The latest political battle over COVID has taken the form of two dueling petitions: The Great Barrington Declaration and the the John Snow Memorandum. Their conception reflect the dangerously polarized state of COVID-19. But despite dividing the world further into predictable sides, the petitions create the opportunity for a conversation about trade-off and common ... Continue Reading about Great Barrington Declaration and What It Says About Us
Sicko Doctors and the Future of Drive-by Diagnosis
Thanks for tuning in, as always. In more ways than one, things are heating up in Houston. We’re hangin’ in there. Me and my family are healthy. Lots of happy, cheerful children in our community are testing positive - so wear a mask and stand clear. Lots of healthy carriers among us. This post, Sicko Doctors and the Future of Drive-by Diagnosis, is the online version ... Continue Reading about Sicko Doctors and the Future of Drive-by Diagnosis
33mail Newsletter – February 3, 2019
If you don't subscribe to my 33mail newsletter, here's what you missed this week. Get the most interesting stuff in medicine and technology delivered every week to your inbox by signing up over there in the right column. If you want to know a little more about 33mail, check out our page here. Here are a few things I wrote and found this week. 33 charts Cardiology ... Continue Reading about 33mail Newsletter – February 3, 2019