The Public Physician – Practical Wisdom for Life in a Connected, Always-On World, has landed.
Here’s the problem I’m trying to fix: While every doctor with a smartphone can publish their ideas to the world, we are completely unprepared to deal with what this all means. When it comes to public dialog, most of us know what the tools are, few of know the boundaries. Hopefully you’ll pick up a copy to help smooth the way.
Here are a few ideas about how I’m approaching this project:
Who’s The Public Physician for? Doctors new to social media, blogging and public dialog. It does have value for more seasoned social doctors looking for some reassurance that they’re on the right track. Other professionals in marketing and communication might find it helpful in understanding what docs can do with their public voices.
Why I’m distributing on TinyPass. Think Kickstarter but without all the fancy prizes. If The Public Physician gets traction, I will reinvest in a cracker jack structural editor, layout designer, cover artist and customization/distribution service for Kindle, iBooks, etc.
I’ll pivot with your feedback. I desperately need input. I plan to pivot and revise adjusts based on feedback. Is there a direction that I should take? What works, what doesn’t — from core content to editorial design. Many of you know my thinking and writing, what would represent a good chapter or subheading under a current chapter? I’m looking for brilliant input on helping doctors interface with e-patients, for example.
Bonus acknowledgments. I don’t have an acknowledgment section currently but will add one, likely with the next iteration/edition or two. If you deliver some thought through insight and recommendations I’d love to put you in the acknowledgements.
Free updates. For those who purchase The Public Physician, subsequent updates and editions will be free of charge so long as it remains for sale on TinyPass. I expect to release a bigger, updated version in the spring (or sooner) depending on interest and feedback. While it isn’t a subscription, if it grows as I imagine, it will have the feel of a subscription.
I hope you enjoy The Public Physician. You can buy it on TinyPass or learn more about it here. If you chatter on Twitter, feel free to throw in #PublicMD