"You can sleep when you’re dead,” the surgery attending said to me in 1989 when I showed up from the call room a minute late for rounds. As funny as it sounds, I believed him. Surgery work-life balance has never been a thing. In fact, this mindset has been part of surgery’s (and medicine’s) hustle culture for years. Broken personal lives were sadly worn as a badge of ... Continue Reading about Surgery Work-life Balance Reconsidered
Big Shot Doctors – Patients Don’t Talk About Your Title
So many doctors are desperate to claim a title. Some want to be big shot doctors. I know a pediatrician who owns his own practice. Every 18 months or so a medical student follows him around for an afternoon. He bills himself a clinical assistant professor at the local medical school. This label is at the root of his professional identity. Everybody wants to be a ... Continue Reading about Big Shot Doctors – Patients Don’t Talk About Your Title