The View has announced that it has recruited none other than Jenny McCarthy as its new host. As a core figure fueling vaccine fear in the mid-2000's, she is individually responsible for putting millions of helpless children at unnecessary risk. This was originally posted on my old blog, Parenting Solved, in September 2008 and now serves as a bit of personal history. ... Continue Reading about Anti-Vax Warrior Returns to The View
Deadly Choices – How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All
A friend suggested she was tired of hearing about vaccines. Her comment and our subsequent conversation seemed to reflect an important shift in parent sentiment: the conversation about vaccines is beginning to get somewhere. Enter Deadly Choices. While much of this was born of the MSM’s newfound realization that the vaccine-autism connection was cooked, some of ... Continue Reading about Deadly Choices – How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All
Vaccines, Autism and Firearms
This week I caught up with a former residency mate practicing pediatrics in small town Oklahoma. We talked about this and that. Among the challenges we discussed was the issue of vaccine hesitancy. He shared with me the story of a young mother insistent on a delayed vaccine schedule for her child. Later in the visit it became evident that the parents maintain a ... Continue Reading about Vaccines, Autism and Firearms
Vaccines, Autism and Andrew Wakefield’s Victims
I thought we had seen Wakefield's last stand. But this week the British Medical Journal released a report detailing the calculated fraud that went into Andrew Wakefield’s 1998 Lancet publication linking the MMR vaccine with autism. What’s newsworthy is the extent to which the data reported by Wakefield was fabricated. For a thorough delineation of his shenanigans, ... Continue Reading about Vaccines, Autism and Andrew Wakefield’s Victims
Vaccines, Autism and the Failure of the Hive
As doctors we used to think that the Internet was an evil, dirty place. At once point it was. Look at the story of vaccines and autism. What started as a fraudulent MMR-autism connection by Andrew Wakefield was ultimately buoyed up and fueled by the mob. The vaccine-autism connection will down in history as one of the health infosphere’s greatest failures. The ... Continue Reading about Vaccines, Autism and the Failure of the Hive