On Twitter I learn so much about how to treat others by the way others treat me. And I’m always learning.
As an example, I love to follow authors. Occasionally I’ll reply to one of their tweets or make a remark about their book. Sometimes I’ll get a response, other times not. When I’m feeling sensitive, I think…
You sanctimonious twit. I bought your book. I spent 16 hours reading it and then wrote a review (albeit only 325 words) that I pushed to 5 different social channels. And not even an smily face or a ‘ha’ in reply to my clever, overly thought-out tweet…
It’s not that I need the love. It’s just that most of these authors aren’t of the stature that would preclude them from from sending a 😛 . They’re folks who happened to have written a decent book. If Oprah were still mainstream they wouldn’t be warming her sofa.
Things move fast. I move fast. There are those who nod in my direction but sometimes I’m flying too quickly and too high to offer even a reciprocal wave. But few of us are so busy that we can’t acknowledge these gestures. And if I can’t recognize these perhaps I need to rethink why I’m here.
When someone winks or waves in my direction I don’t wanna be that guy. I’m going to make a better effort to recognize this and at least sent a ;D