I shut comments off here a couple of years ago. Let’s explore this…
Why did you decide to eliminate comments on 33 charts?
I felt that they didn’t add much to what I was writing. There were alot of cheerleaders and almost as many trolls. I didn’t need either.
Do you comment on other blogs?
If I’m inspired by something I write a post here. That way the blogger gets robust commentary and lots of traffic. It actually works better for them. I take a lot of time to shape 150 words. If I’m gonna invest that kind of time in someone else’s thinking I’m all in and they’ll get all my traffic and 33c email distribution.
True confessions: my core reason for commenting was to let my peers know that I read their post. Kind of a weak reason. Q&A is embarrassing. Who’s idea was this?
Do you miss comments on 33 charts?
96% of the time no. 4% of the time yes. For me, comments served as a great surrogate for how much interest was generated by a post. There are times when I really want the input of the community that reads this. I miss the the amazing bot-generated comments that almost hooked me a few times.
Aren’t comments part of the social experience of writing a blog?
Blogs don’t have to be social (good God…what did he say??). That’s why we have Facebook and Twitter. But as it turns out, Twitter and Facebook don’t do what comments once did. Maybe I need to reconsider.
My life has become one reconsideration after another.
Where’s your Twitter share button?
I used to have them but I took them off because they were so damn ugly. The more I hang around Bon Ku and Joyce Lee the more I become tuned in to design issues. I don’t like ugly things that plug in. I don’t like clutter. I’d rather have no traffic than an ugly buttons.
This isn’t 1999. If you don’t know how to share something on Twitter it’s high time you figured it out.
And I know, 33c is due for an update. I need something cleaner. Zen WordPress designers who understand me call me.
What advice would you have for folks contemplating pulling the plug on comments?
Your decision should be made on what value comments add to your property. If you can prove that, allow every Tom, Dick and Harry to chime in with whatever they want to say. Otherwise, pull the plug and trust that people will be heard whether or not you have a comment button.