So what gives? Teens parade through my office texting. They have iPhones that accommodate the latest Twitter apps. But teens don’t tweet. So why might this be? And is there something about Twitter that’s less appealing to the younger set? To me it would seem to be the killer app for the young social networker. Perhaps that’s the problem. Teens aren’t social ... Continue Reading about Teens Don’t Tweet
5 Things Every MD Should Know Before Using Twitter
Let’s face it, Twitter isn’t that hard to figure out. The interface is intuitive and a little time on the application makes its basic function pretty obvious. But there are a couple of things that medical newbie’s might keep in mind before taking the leap on to Twitter. While I didn’t find myself in any kind of trouble, I had to figure a few things out on my own. 1. ... Continue Reading about 5 Things Every MD Should Know Before Using Twitter
How Doctors Use Twitter
So how do doctors use Twitter? It’s a question that seems to want a better answer than I can come up with. While I’d love to imagine that our efforts are somehow improving patient care and making our lives easier, we’re not quite there yet. So what are doctors doing on Twitter? Here’s what I see: Were hangin’ with everyone else. If you peek ... Continue Reading about How Doctors Use Twitter
When Autism Divides Neighbors
Recently Facebook connected me with some old friends from the neighborhood where I grew up. It’s amazing to connect with friends who have been out of reach for so long. But social networking can uncover some real differences. Last week I commented on Jenny McCarthy video that pokes fun at her anti-vaccine agenda. Some of my Twitter posts feed into Facebook. This was ... Continue Reading about When Autism Divides Neighbors
Probiotics Seminar – June 4th 2009 Sugar Land, TX
Facebook Clinic
So it happened again. Yesterday a patient mom friended me on Facebook and asked me for advice The answer was an easy no. So what’s the big deal? Why not just offer some friendly advice? Truthfully, the nature of the question was one that could easily have been answered. Here’s the thing. Patient interaction in the public domain is a no no for doctors. But what about ... Continue Reading about Facebook Clinic