A friend had asked me to see one of her neighbors. A young child with some elimination issues, the family had been to a couple of other doctors with no success. A fairly routine problem that needed the right evaluation and a consistent approach, it was sorted out in 2-3 visits. When I ran into my friend a month later, I was met with hugs and thanks for ... Continue Reading about Do Your Patients Think You’re an Amazing Doctor?
Procedure – The Only One That Matters
I've done some 10,000 endoscopic procedures over the past 25 years. Sometimes I offer that procedure number as a context for risk when discussing endoscopy. This morning when discussing consent with a mother she remarked, 'But this is the only one that matters.' You may have done a procedure 10,000 times. But for the individual patient there's only one that ... Continue Reading about Procedure – The Only One That Matters
Your Big Day | Conveying Empathy in a Greeting
Not long ago I went to my dentist for a major bit of dental work. When my dentist greeted me chair side she remarked, “So this is your big day.” And it was actually. A problem that had been an issue for some weeks was coming to a resolution. We chatted for a bit and she got to work. This idea of recognizing the magnitude of my visit stuck with me. It was ... Continue Reading about Your Big Day | Conveying Empathy in a Greeting
Patient Experience and the Art of Visiting
A grandmother brought her grandchild to see me recently. Several minutes into our dialog she stopped me, put her hand on my arm and said, "You're a fine doctor." "Thats so kind,” I said. “But, honestly, how do you know? We've barely met." She winked and said, “I can tell by how you talk to me.” After countering with the suggestion that she looked too young to ... Continue Reading about Patient Experience and the Art of Visiting
Big Shot Doctors – Patients Don’t Talk About Your Title
So many doctors are desperate to claim a title. Some want to be big shot doctors. I know a pediatrician who owns his own practice. Every 18 months or so a medical student follows him around for an afternoon. He bills himself a clinical assistant professor at the local medical school. This label is at the root of his professional identity. Everybody wants to be a ... Continue Reading about Big Shot Doctors – Patients Don’t Talk About Your Title
Leaning In to Patient Experience
I have a friend who works at a small hospital in the Midwest. In the pursuit of improved patient experience, the administration studied what made patients happy during clinical encounters. One of strategies they discovered was the concept of forward-leaning posture. Evidence supports the idea that leaning in is associated with concern and attentiveness. So the ... Continue Reading about Leaning In to Patient Experience