One of the most remarkable outcomes of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been the move to patient-centeredness. So attention to patient experience is on the rise. As we collect numbers on providers, hospitals are taking a more granular look at ways to use experience data to move the chains. With some time at the airport recently (and an empty cocktail napkin) I ... Continue Reading about Seven Things to do with Patient Experience Data
Doctors as Victims of Screen Positioning
I had dinner recently with a pediatrician friend who was dinged on a patient experience survey for not having eye contact. Her response was that the computer was in the wrong place. Not her problem, she argued, but rather an issue of clinic space design. Hmm. When technology becomes perfect it will respond to us. Until then, we have to work with our technology and ... Continue Reading about Doctors as Victims of Screen Positioning
Connecting When the Patient Doesn’t Speak Your Language
I can’t say that I enjoy the patient encounter as much when it involves a translator. There’s just something about communicating through a third party that changes the experience. But there are some things you can do as a provider to bridge the gap when the patient doesn't speak your language. Look. Even thought the translator is doing the talking, look at the ... Continue Reading about Connecting When the Patient Doesn’t Speak Your Language
The Two Biscotti Physician and Patient Experience
Yesterday I ate at one of my favorite Italian restaurants. I had eaten there many times before but the experience this time was different. After ordering I received a vacuous bread basket with precisely two pieces of bread. At the end of my meal I was offered two biscotti…and no more. Only the manager could offer an explanation: As a means of containing costs ... Continue Reading about The Two Biscotti Physician and Patient Experience
The Joint Surgeon
A close relative recently underwent hip replacement at the Texas Orthopedic Hospital in Houston’s Texas Medical Center. She raved about her surgeon, Dr Richard Kearns. I had the opportunity to sit by her bed while he made his evening rounds (he didn’t know I was a physician until we were introduced at the end of his visit). These are the qualities seem to make him ... Continue Reading about The Joint Surgeon