Let’s face it, if you’re doing a clinical study recruiting research subjects is a bear. To make it easier, Google today introduced Google Health Studies, a tool to match the potential study participants with researchers. Their new (Android) app provides a platform for researchers to reach a large population for recruitment while giving the public the chance to ... Continue Reading about Google Health Studies – Connecting Research with People
Google Always Has a First Page About You
I remember speaking to the graduating class of medical students at Baylor College of Medicine. After a rousing group discussion over a number of interesting social media dilemmas, one budding orthopod chimed in that he was opting out of a public presence. He was going to stay quietly below the Google radar, he reassured me in front of his classmates. It was one of ... Continue Reading about Google Always Has a First Page About You
Google Maps and the Calorie Question
Google recently integrated calorie consumption information into their IOS Google Maps application. Mapping queries traditionally met with routes alone included information about calorie burn when walked. The feature was withdrawn when met with pushback from some claiming that this unsolicited information was detrimental to those with body image issues. The ... Continue Reading about Google Maps and the Calorie Question
Why Google Cares About Your Depression
Google wants to know if you’re depressed. Partnering with the US National Alliance on Mental Illness Google this week fashioned a tool to allow users to screen for depression. If you Google “depression” on a mobile device you’ll be taken to a“Knowledge Graph” and ultimately on to a Patient Health Questionnaire with nine key questions about depression and your mental ... Continue Reading about Why Google Cares About Your Depression
Doctors and the Google Threat
You may have seen this image floating around. The funny thing is that this is something I would have expected in 1997. At the the time we were adjusting to the idea of information as the 3rd party in the exam room. Patients had a heady sense of power; doctors had to adjust to a shifting relationship. Patients now seem to have a more mature relationship with ... Continue Reading about Doctors and the Google Threat
Google Flu – Urine on the Google Flu Grave
Celebrating the failure of Google flu trends has evolved as a full-contact sport for digital health watchers. The world celebrated Google's potential and then its failure. This piece from Wired shouldn’t be missed. A civil and properly-penned postmortem that sees Google’s predictive potential beyond our shallow schadenfreude. ... Continue Reading about Google Flu – Urine on the Google Flu Grave