I was talking recently with some friends about doctors and pharma online. They wanted to pick my brain. Their question: What’s the best way to approach doctors on a platform like Twitter? Approach is the operative word here. Because for most of history pharma operated by interruption. Office calls, ads and post-it pads. ‘Can I have a moment of your time, ... Continue Reading about Pharma and Doctors Online: Why Industry Struggles to Connect
Patient Influencers: How Do We Protect Patients from Patients?
This article in Stat, As social media ‘influencers,’ patients are getting a voice. And pharma is ready to pay up, raises questions about pharmaceutical supported patient influencers. An entire industry has cropped up to link drug makers with the industry’s own version of an influencer — people, usually patients, who have small but devoted followings and who might be ... Continue Reading about Patient Influencers: How Do We Protect Patients from Patients?
The Sunshine Act and the Appearance of Conflict
The Sunshine Act is often discussed with the analogy of light as a disinfectant. The suggestion is that something’s infected. But as in real life, things that look infected aren’t necessarily so. I was contacted recently by a prominent pharmaceutical company to design a program that helps health professionals understand how to use public media. The company ... Continue Reading about The Sunshine Act and the Appearance of Conflict
Physician Thought Leaders in the Digital Age
I was on a panel recently where it was asked, 'What will become of the physician thought leader in the digital age.' It's an interesting question because it draws on what constitutes influence in the modern medical world. How do we determine who we listen to and how will digital communication change that? It used to be that influence in medicine was determined by ... Continue Reading about Physician Thought Leaders in the Digital Age
The Future of the Doctor Pharma Relationship
Patient care is increasingly under third party control. And as a consequence I make fewer decisions regarding the brand of medication used in my patients. So the role of a pharmaceutical rep and the doctor pharma relationship comes into question. If I don’t choose which medication my patients will use, why would a representative call on me? And as American ... Continue Reading about The Future of the Doctor Pharma Relationship
Can Pharma Detail Doctors Digitally?
It’s the great migration to digital. And as civilization makes its move, the pharmaceutical industry is trying to figure out how to reach out to physicians. Pharmaceutical reps are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Branded medication portals leave most doctors cold. Email outreach is marginal. So how do you detail doctors digitally? Pharma strategists ask me ... Continue Reading about Can Pharma Detail Doctors Digitally?